We keep shit ass diaries, where we write our most personal thoughts. And when we find these diaries 10 years later, we laugh at how stupid and dramatic we were. Thank god we've changed since then. Here are the diaries from ourselves, creepy strangers, our friends, families, coworkers, and That Guy.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Your mom's a server

Dear diary,

These people I work with annoy me. They're always calling me about their stupid problems. Wah wah wah, the server's not working, wah, my computer crashed, wah, I can't burn this CD. Why do they keep telling me this? Oh yeah, because it's my job.

They're so dumb. One girl kept telling me the server was down, and I told her it was her fault, but she didn't laugh. So I told her to move so I could show her how she was wrong, and then I asked her why she has so many pens on her desk. She didn't answer. She got really mad when I told her that I didn't believe that the server was down. I mean, yeah, the server was down, but she didn't have to be so mean about it when she told me. God. What a bitch.

Instead of rebooting the server, I just went and sat in my office and drank coffee. When they asked me about the server again, I said that I didn't do anything about it, but in that joking way to make them think that I did. But I didn't. I am so funny.

The Company Computer Guy


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