We keep shit ass diaries, where we write our most personal thoughts. And when we find these diaries 10 years later, we laugh at how stupid and dramatic we were. Thank god we've changed since then. Here are the diaries from ourselves, creepy strangers, our friends, families, coworkers, and That Guy.

Monday, January 23, 2006


Dear diary,

Today, I was going to buy some more copies of angsty literature so I could hate mainstream America some more, when I discovered that Mary Poppins herself was having a booksigning at the store. I couldn't get through because of all her stupid fans, I actually had to wait in line. I sighed a lot to get people to move around me, but they were entranced by Julie Andrews' British accent (probably fake).

So I was pissed, and decided to make fun of Poppins, because I'm angsty and I can. I gave her a spoonful of sugar, hell to the yeah.

Me: Julie Andrews?
Julie Andrews: Yes?
Me: (smirking) The Princess Diaries 2? Seriously?
Julie: (shrugging) Sista's gotta eat.
Me: But it has Anne Hathaway in it. Come on.
Julie: Look, you cheeky lass. I can't live on The Sound of Music residuals forever.
Me: Girl, please. That movie was like Glitter meets Gigli.

OMG, she was mad when I said that. She stood up, and she slapped me!

Julie: Chim chimerie this!

I fell backwards and landed on top of someone's vanilla latte on a table. I got coffee and Splenda all over my black coat. By the time I got up, Mary Poppins was being whisked away by security. I wasn't about to let her get away with this, so I yelled, "The hills are alive with the sound of pain, bitch!"

Whiny Girl


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