We keep shit ass diaries, where we write our most personal thoughts. And when we find these diaries 10 years later, we laugh at how stupid and dramatic we were. Thank god we've changed since then. Here are the diaries from ourselves, creepy strangers, our friends, families, coworkers, and That Guy.

Friday, January 20, 2006


Dear Diary,

I'm growing up so quick these days! Seems like only yesterday people were using me just for AOL and chat rooms, and now they've got blogs and MySpace and all sorts of interesting things! I tell you diary, I just can't keep up anymore!

But there is one that is so great, I just have to tell you all about it. It's this blog where these two crazy bitches write imaginary diaries from random people. It's so funny! I giggle when I read it. I'd pay to read funny shit like this, diary.

Well, time to go spread some more rumors and illegally download music.

"The Internet"


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